Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Matters- Pool Time!

Since my kids were old enough to talk they have been asking for a swimming pool in our yard.  We have kept them happy, up until now, with the kiddie pool variety.  Now that my oldest is 8 and all my kids have been taking swimming lessons, they have declared the kiddie pool to be insufficient.  So of coarse I said we wouldn't be getting another pool until our current one was sunk, pardon the expression!!  I was sure I could squeeze another year out of our pool even though I had already used most of the patches it came with, but alas, it cracked another hole!  This time it couldn't be repaired (kids cheering in the background!).  So I decided to bite the bullet and order the "big" pool.  In the end, I decided to go with the 12'x36" intext above ground pool.  Today was set-up day and the kids couldn't be more happy.  My wonderful husband even decided to work from home so he could help with the set-up.  After about an hour it is finally full to the top and ice cold...maybe we'll use it tomorrow!  Out of all the different big kid toys (Foosball table, ping-pong table, trampoline) I was considering getting this summer, I'm glad I went with the pool.  I love encouraging my kids to practice all that they learn at swimming lessons and it does provide hours of active entertainment (love that!!).  What are your kids enjoying this summer?  I'd love to know!


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