I've mentioned before that I have a serious love for reading, so it goes to say that I have a pretty sizable collection of books laying around. I used to stack them on shelves, squeeze the into cabinets and pile them on top of tables...anywhere I could find. After scoring a few unique industrial accents at a Vintage Market, I decided that my shelf of books needed a make-over. I have seen many posts on Pinterest of people covering books in chalkboard paper, old maps and various other creative materials to re-purpose them and use them in their decor. I decided to make mine stand out on my dark wood shelves by covering them in white paper. I didn't even have to purchase said paper or look for any in the craft drawer. How did I do it? I simply turned the covers inside out...yep! Would you believe that every jacket cover is white on the inside?! It was all very simple and took only about 10 minutes of my time.

This is how messy it looked before. No rhyme or reason, just books...lots of books!
Here's how to begin. Find a hardcover book and remove the jacket. Lay the jacket down so the wording is facing up.
Place one edge of the jacket under the book and begin to fold it around the book cover. You might need to crease it a little before it will fold nicely but it's as simple as that! Easy and free...my two favorite things!
Now you can actually see the painting and accessories that were hidden by all those colorful book covers! My favorite part is the pop of black that I used by simply removing the covers from a few black books and leaving them as is. Ah, much better! I'd love to hear (and see!) how you've used books in your decorating!
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