Sunday, December 29, 2013

'Twas a Very Merry Christmas

I can hardly believe that Christmas has come & gone and we are nearing the end of another year.  I know you must hear this a lot but time really does seem to fly by.  I try to use my super brain power to slow it down, but for some reason (call it reality) it just doesn't work.  Oh well, at least we are having the time of our lives and enjoying each precious memory we get to make.  Speaking of special memories…our Christmas was chalk full of them!  It brings me so much joy to watch my kids faces light up as they open gifts and give each other gifts.  Christmas is such a magical time of year for kids and we are so blessed to be able to go a little nuts with the festivities.

 I absolutely love having 2 whole weeks of winter break to spend with my kiddos.  No schedules to keep, places we have to be or things that must be done.  Spontaneity rules during this time.  Sleeping in happens on a regular basis and staying in your pi's all day is the new gettin ready for the day.  My most favorite part is having the time to sit and build Lego's with my boys or play dolls with my girl.  Those are times I truly cherish.  What are you doing this winter break?  We definitely have plans to hit up the library and have many more movies to watch before the countdown to school begins.  Here's to hoping you are all enjoying this time of year and having a wonderful winter break!


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