Monday, July 8, 2013

Food Stuff

My family and I have been transitioning slowly into the Paleo lifestyle.  I call it a lifestyle because to us it's not a diet but rather a way of life. Eating Paleo consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumesdairy products, potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar, and processed oils.
Throughout my life I have put up with the uncomfortable intestinal issues that come from eating foods your body has a hard time processing.  Because I don't have any severe allergies to foods, it's become a guessing game to try and figure out which ones cause the most discomfort.  Frankly, I was stumped.  Every doctor I saw just told me to add more fiber to my diet but that resolve the bloating and gastrointestinal pain that came after most meals.  So, as I became interested in lowering my body fat percentage and increasing my muscle mass, I wandered my way into some amazing Paleo blogs.
1year later, both my husband and I eat mostly Paleo with the exception of grass-fed beef and buying everything organic.  We do as much of that as possible but our grocery budget simply doesn't allow for all things organic.
All this to say that within this last year I have been able to figure our precisely which foods cause me to feel tired and like my stomach is in knots.  I still eat a small amount of those foods now and then, but I know my limit and I steer clear of it!  Ah, now that's better...

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