Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Surprise Disappointment

Today started much like any other day...another cool but promising morning in the Pacific Northwest.  When my alarm went off and I finally decided to drag myself out of my cozy bed, I was greeted with the news that my husband's car was stolen out of our driveway sometime during the night.  Not a particularly joyful way to start a morning, let me tell you.  So after talking to the police we received the not too positive news that our car was probably either headed to a chop shop or would hopefully be abandoned in the near future.  The news from our insurance agent was just as sunny...we won't be getting a big pay off if the car doesn't turn up because of it's age (1995).  Double ugh!!!  I've been trying to think positive and this is what I've come up with.  It's just a car and can be replaced.  That's all I've got.


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