Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Summer Wind Down

Summer is drawing to a close and its happening rather quickly.  I remember being a kid and seeing the back to school commercials on tv and dreading the end of summertime bliss.  Now that I'm a mom, I see those same commercials with a whole new perspective...peace amongst the household is coming!  Don't get me wrong, I love having my kids home with me and being able to have a flexible schedule that allows time for fun adventures.  There's just something about the second week of August that makes me excited that school is just around the corner.  One of the reasons is that despite being in sports camps, vacation Bible camps, going camping and various other summer activities, my kids seem to be crying boredom!  Whaaat?  I feel like I need a vacation from summer vacation with all the shuttling them back and forth!  Oh well, I have decided to declare this typical-kid-need-to-get-back-to-school behavior...quite insightful, I know.  All this to say, we've begun "the re-introduction into school activities" time each day.  This includes practicing math, ABC's, writing and reading.  Once they get into it (and forget about that movie they've been asking to watch) it's actually pretty fun.  When they're done, they get to put a fabulous sticker on their responsibility charts thus getting them closer to the end goal...a prize at Target!  Hopefully in the days to come, they will get pumped for that first day of school.  Here's to wishing you success and fun in the last couple weeks of summer.


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